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Battery and signal strength

Batteries are important to have control over in the long term over time. That it is charged sufficiently with a high % and the voltage V is sufficient. The app shows both the Internal battery (orange curve) for the Heart and the External battery (blue curve) for the Scale.

Battery and charging

Check your battery levels at regular intervals. In the autumn, preferably at the time of your hives’ last check, be sure to replace Heart batteries. Ensure that Gateway & Wave batteries are fully charged. To save power in Gateway, set the update interval to once a day in the settings of the mobile app.

Heart battery

The Heart battery moves in the range of 2.5 V to 3 V. The Heart battery is 3V type CR 2032 and lasts up to about a year. Then it’s time to replace it. It’s not rechargeable. Easily opened with a small screwdriver to change the battery. Buy branded products with quality batteries as they have up to 10 times more energy capacity than non-branded ones. Do not throw away batteries, but return them for recycling.

Scale battery

Battery for scales changes in the range 4,2 down to 3,6 V.

The scale battery lasts about 5 years per charge and can be recharged. If necessary, open the sensor box and just connect a micro-USB mobile charger or power bank.

Gateway battery

The gateway battery level changes in the range of 4.2V down to 3.6V. The battery in the Gateway lasts about 3-12 months and can be recharged. If you have a solar panel, it is automatically charged with solar energy. Make sure the solar panel is clean and uncovered and facing the sun in the south. If necessary, open the sensor box and simply connect a micro-USB mobile charger or power bank to charge the battery.

If the battery in the Gateway runs out, there is no immediate danger. The Heart sensors store data locally for up to 2 months and are sent as soon as you have the Gateway battery charged and within range again.

With little sunshine in autumn and winter, it pays to reduce the interval of how often data is uploaded to once a day, which is when the battery will otherwise run down.

Bee Counter battery

The BeeCounter battery level changes in the range of 3.6V up to 4.2V. The battery lasts about 5 years and can be recharged. With a solar panel, it is automatically charged with solar energy. Make sure the solar panel is clean and uncovered and facing the sun in the south. If necessary, open the sensor box and just connect a micro-USB mobile charger or power bank to charge the battery.

Signal strength for Bluetooth

The signal for each unit should be between the range of zero to minus 90. The closer to zero, the stronger the signal. In general, if the signal is poor, it is necessary to place the Gateway in such a position that there is a minimum obstruction between it and your sensor units in the hives. The grass is also an obstacle. The gateway should be at least 50 cm from the ground, otherwise, the range is significantly shortened. Gateway is affected by the mutual rotation of the device. Do not place it on a metal roof of a beehive, as a metal plane may shield the radio signal and attenuate radio reception.

The yellow line shows the internal signal and battery for Heart. The blue curve shows the external signal and battery for the scale.
