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Beezum eHive

With Beezum eHive you get your hive digital and can connect it directly to your mobile App and online to the Beezum Web cloud archive.

Beezum eHive – your digital beehive

With Beezum eHive, your apiary becomes digitally connected online directly in your mobile app and online on the web via our cloud service. Several different types of sensors are included to suit your hives. You have full insight into the temperature and humidity in the hive, and we make sophisticated sound analyses of the hive. Warning for loss of the queen. Forecast for swarming. Measured values with temperature and humidity outside. Warning of high internal humidity in the hive. With our scales, weight changes can be accurately monitored. Weighs your hive’s weight up to 200 kg, with a good measurement accuracy of 250g and temperature stability. Warning for unusual weight change – theft. You can get an estimate of how many bees fly out of the hive in the morning. Counting every bee that goes out and every bee that comes in. You know the number of bees that are dead during the day. You can see how many bees are flying in and out with the Beezum bee counter. All information is available and sensor data is presented in graphs with curves and stored in cloud archives for days, months, and years.

No complicated configurations. Simple, no wires, long battery life, and the eHive Gateway are charged by solar energy.

The Internet-of-Things, smart connectivity of your Big Farm with Bluetooth, and the Mobile Network with cloud services give you access to information anytime, anywhere. Perfect to use if you have remote apiaries, as you don’t need to visit the apiary to get your information about your eHive hives. It’s also good if you’re away from home but still want to know how your apiary is doing.

The products in the shop are complete and fit most models of hives. No need to invest in new hives or frames. You don’t have to replace any of your current equipment. Beezum eHive products are easy to install and use. It is modular, flexible, and expandable in stages as your needs grow, providing a cost-effective solution.

  • You use sensors to measure temperature, humidity, and sound inside the hive with Beezum eHive Heart.
  • You can measure weight with our different Beezum eHive Scale scales.
  • You can count the number of bees going in and out with the Beezum eHive BeeCounter.
  • You can photo with your mobile on your apiary and hives and store this with the Beezum Mobile Monitoring App.
  • You can name and assign an identification number to your hives.
  • You can enter and store the geographical position of your apiary.
  • You can keep a log of all your inspections and harvests.
  • Beezum eHive communicates by Bluetooth locally with your Mobile Monitoring App.
  • Beezum eHive communicates locally with your Beezum Gateway via Bluetooth to send data to the cloud archive.
  • You can check your battery status in your Beezum eHive Heart, Scale, and Gateway.

Thanks to these solutions, unnecessary interventions in the hive that could disturb the bee community is also avoided. The products are 100% organic, 100% free of pesticide residues, and harmless to bees. Easy to use and useful all year round.

Beetrice likes Winnie the Pooh and agrees with him that
“Although it is terribly good to eat honey, there is a moment just before you start eating it that is almost better.”