No updating of sensor data or network contact
If your sensors are not updated regularly in the Mobile App Monitoring or web service, there may be either a problem with the Gateway device or the network connection via the mobile network.
Contact with Gateway device
To troubleshoot:
Use Mobile App Diagnostics to see if you can connect to the Gateway via Bluetooth.
On your mobile phone: turn off Bluetooth, turn on Bluetooth, turn off positioning (GPS), turn on positioning (GPS), turn off the red Mobile App Diagnostics app, restart the red Mobile App Diagnostics app, swipe down the screen and wait at least 30 seconds. See the “Hive Gateway” status if you make contact with the device. It can take a long time for the status to become visible.
If there is no contact with the Gateway, it may be in sleep mode. It wakes up and connects every 15 minutes, or 30 minutes, or every hour, or every 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 24 hours. depending on the setting. You can see and change the setting in your “HiveMonitoring” yellow app under settings.

If you have no contact with the Gateway module, it may be that the battery is discharged. Open the box. Recharge the Gateway battery with a USB charger for at least 24 hours.
Unplug & plug in the battery cord to restart the Gateway device.
If you know that the battery is charged and the device is still not working, try restarting the device – like you do when you have problems with your mobile phone or PC, for example. That is, if you do not have a connector, open the box and try disconnecting the battery connection marked +BAT- located under the circuit board (not the one to the solar panel) to restart the unit.
Disconnect the battery cable from the battery (not the solar panel). It can be a bit difficult to get a grip on the socket in the plug. Do not pull the cable, use a slightly sharp tool / chisel and gently push out the cable connector. Using a small screwdriver, carefully loosen the small white connector with the red/black cord that goes to the battery, by gently wiggling it back and forth to pull the connector loose.
Leave it off for 1 minute and replace the plug.

Then you need to turn on the device and you do this by plugging the battery connector back in and waiting a while.
Verify that you can connect to the Gateway and the Diagnostic App.
Verify that the Gateway has a sufficiently charged battery.
You should verify that the Gateway device has a sufficiently charged battery. What you see in your HiveMonitoring App

You can also use the Diagnostics App. If the voltage is too low, the GSM modem will not be able to connect. It may appear, for example, as “Modem Command Error”. Voltage must be more than 3.8V.

If the Gateway has problems connecting to GSM, it will only show “Connected” and then directly “Disconnected” without any data transmission messages in the log.

Connect a Micro USB charger and charge for at least one hour or more until the yellow light goes out.
Verify Beezum IoT SIM
The gateway device works together with our IoT SIM. Inspect that the Beezum IoT SIM card is inserted in the box and facing the right way with the connectors facing down. If the SIM card is removed and reinserted or moved to another mobile phone or device, the SIM card may be deactivated. Please contact our support.

Verify network configuration APN
Make sure that the “GSM Settings” APN setting is configured to “”.

Troubleshooting and sending network data diagnostics
If you find that there is no contact with the mobile network with your Gateway and there is a problem with the connection to send data, there is a function to investigate this. Log files with network data can be created and sent for diagnostics with analysis.
Activate Bluetooth and Positioning (GPS) on your mobile phone. Verify that you have mobile data coverage on your mobile phone.
Stand close to your Heart in the hive. Launch the app “BeeHive Diagnostics” HiveDiag it (red icon). It takes a little while to scan sensors via Bluetooth. Wait at least 10 minutes in case you don’t see any information.

- Press RUN
2. Allow running for about 10 minutes to read the logging of sensors. See that traffic data is visible on the screen when connected to the mobile network.
3. Press SEND
4. Select email and send to
5. Contact Support and inform them that the log file has been sent.
We can then investigate to see if there is a problem with the Gateway or the mobile network.
Troubleshooting and analysis with the Mobile Gateway App
If you find that there is still no contact with the mobile network with your Gateway and there are problems with the connection to send data, there is a function to investigate this. Log files with network data can be created and sent for diagnostics with analysis.
Activate Bluetooth and Positioning (GPS) on your mobile phone. Verify that you have mobile data coverage on your mobile phone.
Stand close to your Heart in the hive. Launch the “Bee Hive Monitoring Gateway” HiveGate app (green icon). After a while you will see your sensors under the “Data Collection” menu.

Select “Data Collection” and press “DOWNLOAD DATA”, and it takes a few moments to scan sensors via Bluetooth and upload historically saved data. Wait at least 10 minutes if you do not see any information.

You will see Received: and Sent: date & time the data was sent. Status: Finsihed means that all data is updated. You should then be able to see the data in your yellow Hive Monitoring App.